Pascal Crt Unit

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A Pascal program can consist of modules called units. A unit might consist of some code blocks, which in turn are made up of variables and type declarations, statements, procedures, etc.

Pascal Crt UnitPascal

Software old 97s too far to care rarest. There are many built-in units in Pascal and Pascal allows programmers to define and write their own units to be used later in various programs. Using Built-in Units Both the built-in units and user-defined units are included in a program by the uses clause. We have already used the variants unit in Pascal - Variants tutorial. This tutorial explains creating and including user-defined units.

Pascal Crt

Pascal Crt Unit

This chapter describes the CRT unit for Free Pascal, under all of Dos, Linux and Windows. The unit was first written for Dos by Florian Klaempfl. The unit was ported to Linux by Mark May and enhanced by Michael Van Canneyt and Peter Vreman. It works on the Linux console, and in xterm and rxvt windows under X-Windows.

You're right, it's 'Cathode Ray Tube'. A thing from the past already:) The most common display type before 2005. Most of the functions in the CRT unit are related to text-mode output and color setup, the only 'interesting' things that could be done on an older non-graphical pre-VGA displays. I'm not that old, but I remember back in 1995 I've been using the Turbo Pascal on a typical 13' CRT display (they were synonymous with the 'display' actually) and it's been 100% natural that the unit containing functions to manipulate that very CRT display is called CRT. Yes, there are also the key presses and stuff, but CRT is pretty natural. Don't know how to explain it better.

It's like a 3.5' floppy disk icon which is a metaphor for 'Save file' menu item. Many young people haven't even seen those floppy disks and now it is only a sort of a 'cultural legacy'.