The Teaching Profession Book

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TEACHING PROFESSION CHAPTER SUMMARY CHAPTER 1: You, the Teacher as a Person in Society – Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D. “Teachers are the most responsible and important member of society because their professional efforts affect the fate of the earth.” – Helen Caldicott Our thoughts, values and actions are somehow shaped by events and by the people with whom we come in contact.

Is Teaching A Profession Discuss

6 Teaching Profession for the 21st Century 4.1. Framework of Teacher Competences – A Tool for Teacher Professionalization – The Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina.... Teachers in Bosnia and Herzegovina............... Qualifications Framework for the Teaching Profession...

We, in turn, help shape society – its events, its people, and its destiny. Lesson 1: Your Philosophical Heritage “To philosophize is so essentially human – and a sense to philosophize means living a truly human life.” - J. Pieper We are heirs to a rich philosophical heritage. Passed on to us are number of philosophies of various thinkers who lived before us. These thinkers reflected on life in this planet. They occupied themselves searching for answer to questions about human existence. Here are the philosophies discussed in this book: essentialism, progressivism, perennialism, existentialism, behaviorism, linguistic philosophy and constructivism.

These seven philosophies differ in their concepts of the learner and values, in why we teach (objectives), what should be taught (curriculum) and how should the curriculum be taught (teaching strategies). However, there exist also some similarities among the philosophies. Lesson 2: Formulating Your Philosophy of Education “Philosophy is vital only the questions are mine and so is the struggle towards answers.” W. Luijpen Philosophy is in everything that we do, dealing with parents and others.

How we learn things and apply them into our life. Attitude in life reflects our philosophy. Our life reflects our philosophy. Philosophy equals you as well as philosophy equals self. Philosophy in education includes this concept human person, true and good that to be taught, teaching process, and true and good that to must be taught.

Lesson 3: The foundational Principles of Morality and You “When you carry out acts of kindness, you get a wonderful feeling inside. It is a s through something inside your body respond and says, yes, this is how I ought to feel” - Unknown Philosophers interested in theories of knowledge have another option for justifying beliefs – coherencies. To picture this theory at work, think of a web.

A belief sits at each node in the web, and is connected to other beliefs through strands of logic. Each belief is justified by its relationship to other beliefs, themselves justified in terms of connection to other beliefs, which (eventually) which are all tied together. There are no foundational beliefs – no self-justified propositions that serve as a 'foundation' for all others.

Everything is justified by the quality of its connections to everything else. Some beliefs are very well connected. Others are connected only by thin threads. What is morality? As defined by one textbook author, morality refers to the quality of human acts by which we call them right or wrong, good or evil. Our act is moral when it is in accordance with our human nature. Our act is immoral when it is contrary to our human nature.

You are a person of good moral character when you are human, loving, virtuous and mature. On other hand, the word principle comes from the latin word princeps which means a beginning, a source. It is that on which something is based, founded, originated and initiated. A foundational moral principle is, therefore, the universal norm upon which all other principles on the rightness or wrongness of an action are based which is the source of morality. Lesson 4: Values Formation and You “Education in values means the cultivation of affectivity, leading the educand through exposure to an experience of value and of the valuable.” – R.

Aquino In this lesson, our discussion on values formation is based on the premise that there are transcendent values. Most Filipinos, if not all, believe in a transcendental being that we call. Teaching Professions Teaching is a demanding job that requires in-depth knowledge of subject content, age-specific pedagogy, and many varied skills such as patience, leadership, and creativity, just to name a few. If you are considering a career as a teacher, paraprofessional (teacher's aide), administrator, counselor, school nurse, or school Library Media Specialist, you may want to learn more about what the profession is all about. Click on any of the following links to learn more about each profession. Classroom Teacher - Information on the different types of classroom teachers, including K-12, Special Education, and English as a Second Language School Leadership and Support - Information on non-classroom professions, including school administration and support services Education Paraprofessionals - General Information about the profession as well as state certification, NCLB requirements, and how to move into a full-fledged teaching career Prayer of a Student Teacher Dear God, Almighty, the best teacher ever, I love you. Thank you very much for this wonderful opportunity to fulfill what I believe is my purpose in life; to reach out to the youth, lead them to the threshold of learning, to touch lives and be an instrument for the development of others.

Thank you for everything that opening my eyes to see the wonders of this. 839 Words 4 Pages. Teaching is described by different teachers in various ways and one which made an impact to me is that, “ Teaching is the noblest of all profession”. My cousin, Ms.

The Teaching Profession Essay

Gertrudes is now a mathematics teacher in Muntinlupa city. We studied in the same university where we shared together many great things including teaching. According to her, teaching is the most noble among all the professions since all professionals underwent education with a teacher. Through the internet I arranged an interview with Ms.Gertrudes where I gained more insights about her view of teaching as a noble profession, furthermore it opened up a new realization on teaching in relation to our society today. From this point of view, I will lay the foundation of my reflection on the interview with basic education teachers. How teachers mould the minds and hearts of every learner reflects the kind of society we have.

Inside our classroom for instance, fast track students represent various responsibilities in the society – teachers, nurse, house wife, policeman, and engineer, among others. Some of us are passive and some are active, having different background and different reactions, yet we were here for the desire to learn how to teach. The teacher not only facilitates learning but could influence the mind of future politicians, engineers, doctors, policemen, priests and nuns. 2218 Words 6 Pages.questionnaire that makes use of a Likert scale to determine the extent to which a teacher possesses the 21st century skills. Direction: To what extent do you do each of the following? Check the column that corresponds to your answer.

Legend:1 – Never 2 – Rarely 3 – Sometimes 4 – Often 5 – Always 21st Century Skill 1 2 3 4 5 1. Use the computer with ease when I lecture. Must be able to adapt to a dynamic teaching experience. Have a vision of what you want and what the technology can achieve. Can identify his/her goals and facilitate the learning.

Must continue to absorb experiences and knowledge. Fluent in tools and technologies that enable communication and collaboration.

Use the questionnaire for you to determine the extent to which you possess the 21st century skills. I can use computer easily. I can adapt dynamic teaching experience and absorb it. And I think I can handle tools and technologies well enough for my teaching. Lesson 3: School and Community Relations Synapse Strengtheners 3.

What are some learning resources existing in the community that school children and peronnel can visit for mutual assistance and enjoyment. Park Factories Shopping Mall Industries Lesson 4: Linkages and Networking with Organizations Research on: How ABS-CBN and GMA Foundation assist schools and. 1664 Words 7 Pages.Running Head: Teaching as a Profession Teaching as a Profession Bennetta Trotter Grand Canyon University Edu 215 August 15, 2010 Teaching as a Profession I believe that teaching is one of the most demanding careers one might choose from. Teaching is a one of a kind profession; this career choice can be frustrating, exciting, and also very fulfilling, for those who are really dedicated to choose teaching as their long life career. Deciding to become a teacher means a lot of time and dedication, because it involves becoming one with teaching and learning.

TeachingThe teaching profession book by bilbao

It identifies the differences in the lives of children, by helping each individual learn how to read, how to write, and how to do mathematics to include: adding, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Teaching also includes other advantages such as teaching and learning a child how to discover different elements throughout their lives, things such as plant growth, environment changes, history etc, learning’s that will give them the tools to want to learn, and continue to learn throughout their entire lives.

For one to become a teacher, one has to really understand what a “Teacher” really does, and what a “Teacher” really is. A teacher is defined as someone who is very open minded, and has the willingness to. 1042 Words 3 Pages.

Teaching Profession 1 Running head: The Teaching Profession Understanding the Teaching Profession Shanaya Zabala Grand Canyon University EDU 303N Foundation of Education January 9, 2010 Teaching Profession 2 Teaching is the highest form of understanding. It may be easy to get into the profession of teaching, but being a good teacher is not easy. Normally, it takes a long time to acquire the characteristics of a good teacher. Sadly, experience does not make everyone a great teacher. However, it is important for everyone in the teaching profession to try to excel, as life could not sustain itself in an absence of good teachers.

Great teaching demands many things from professional educators including subject knowledge, caring attitudes, classroom techniques, commitment, and desire to make a difference in the lives of young people. No wonder it is hard to find great teachers. Good teachers are well organized and have clear ideas about their daily teaching plans, assignments, and grading policies. Their structured lessons and assignments offer many opportunities for students to learn new skills. 958 Words 3 Pages. All professions have an identifiable knowledge base. Teaching has no such knowledge base, therefore, it is not a profession' Discuss this statement.

There are different characteristics of what a profession entails of. Some characteristics, such as full graduate training are based on the more known professional modes such as law, medicine and engineering. The majority of critics have agreed on the similar aspects of an occupational group acquiring: a knowledge base, expertise in their field, a sense of autonomy and responsibility which makes them a profession. In regards to teaching, it has sufficient evidence to produce these requirements which enables them to be recognised as a profession in society. Professions are known to have the power to maintain society and to be capable of providing the necessary services for people who are unqualified to evaluate situations.

To provide service to society, it requires knowledge. With any occupational group known as a profession, they must be able to have a knowledge base which contains technical language and specialised knowledge that is above the norm of people in society. This knowledge base would enhance the power and status of any profession within a society. A knowledge base comprises of having higher education training preferably from a degree level. Through this training, it. 2336 Words 7 Pages.State University Cavite City ANNEX A document report in the subject: The Teaching Profession Chapter I: Social Institution “The Society and You” Date submitted: July 2, 2011 Submitted by: Mr.

Palaganas Submitted to: Ms. Thea Dinglasan The Teaching Profession What is profession? Profession is an occupation requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation. Is teaching a profession? Teaching is a noble profession. It is service-oriented. It has the potential to have a great impact in the molding of the next generation.

That is why education should be valued by social institutions like government, the church, the family and civil society. What is teaching?.

A process of causing change. A process to impart knowledge and information. A process to instruct others What is a Teacher? The teacher is the key factor in classroom learning situation.

He/She assumes various significant roles in the classroom as;. A model or an important figure in the classroom. A classroom manager.

An evaluator of students learning. Source of knowledge and information. A person who instructs others. An agent of.

1240 Words 6 Pages.Beginning the essay it may be mentioned that a profession is always considered as an occupation that needs wide-ranging training and the study and mastery and excellence of specialized knowledge, and usually has a professional association, ethical code and process of certification or licensing. Quoting the examples it may be mentioned that examples are librarianship, diplomacy, accounting, engineering, law, architecture, aviation, medicine, social work, pharmacy, finance, the military, the clergy, nursing, and others. Professionalism is a new principle of social organization which has emerged, based on trained expertise, selection and reward by merit (Perkins, 1989). American College Dictionary defining the profession says that a profession is a 'vocation requiring knowledge of some department of learning or science'. A professional is one who follows 'an occupation as a means of livelihood or gain,' or one who is 'engaged in one of the learned professions'.

And Professionalism is exhibited by one of the 'professional character, spirit or methods' or the 'standing, practice, or methods of a professional as distinguished from an amateur'. Now to the question that whether teaching is a profession or not, some people consider it as a profession and some do not.

However, I would firmly and in one line statement say that teaching is a profession. 1902 Words 6 Pages POPULAR ESSAYS.

SALIENT FEATURES: The contents of this book are aligned with the teaching competencies specified in the National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS). The design of this book follows the Outcome – based Education (OBE) design ensuring the pre-service teachers in Teacher Education Institutions to understand and appreciate the teaching profession.

This book provides contents and learning experiences that are:. Practice-oriented – it allows every pre-service teachers to understand and appreciate the teaching profession. It provides critical questions that enable teachers and student teachers to reflect on different issues and challenges in education especially in the teaching profession.

Theory-based – the experiences of teachers are validated, confirmed and supported by educational theories and studies conducted on the teaching profession. Filipino in Perspective – this book is written based on a nationalist perspective that is to develop excellent Filipino teachers imbued with a strong passion and a deep sense of mission to serve the country by helping shape the minds and character of the Filipino learners. DELIVERY AND RETURNS POLICIES 1.

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The Teaching Profession Book

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