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Rediff On The NeT: Transcript of the Jeremy Spencer Chat 'I've had my fill of the West' Jeremy Spencer, the world-famous slide/blues guitarist, is one of the most humble and simple men in real life. His passion for music is to be seen to be believed. He appeared on the Rediff Chat to promote his Indian tour last month. In the process, he won a lot of hearts - onstage and online.

Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:25 IST) Hello everybody! This is my first Internet chat, so fire away.:-) xyz (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:13 IST) Mr Spencer: Are u in? If yes, what do you think of Indian classical music? Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:27 IST) xyz: I am not very familiar with it, I would like to purchase a CD of a cross section of the best, to be more informed of what it is like.

I am familiar with A R Rahman but I believe he is not classical. Leanne (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:27 IST) Tell us about the early days with Fleetwood Mac. Even tho it's been a long time. Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:29 IST) Leanne: At first, it was okay and we had some fun times together, but I started to get dissatisfied with my life and myself, and I wanted to have a break and a change.

Champagne (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:28 IST) Since you're familiar with A R Rrahman's music, what do u think of it? Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:30 IST) Champagne: I like what I've heard. I've only heard one cassette, which featured Vande Mataram. Prayag (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:30 IST) Hey, Jeremy what do old rockers do?

Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:31 IST) Prayag: What do you consider old?;-) Farik (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:30 IST) Mr Spencer: whom do you think is amongst the better guitar players in the world and why!? Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:32 IST) Farik: Well, I know who I personally like, and that is Mark Knopfler, among recent guitar players. Leanne (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:31 IST) And what about your music career since then? Don't you think it's unfair that all the publicity for you here states that you used to be with Fleetwood Mac?

Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:33 IST) Leanne: Why do you think it's unfair? Do you want to elaborate? Sandhya (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:32 IST) Mr Spencer, why is the slide guitar not being used by any of the top of the pop artistes now. Instead we have the same old four guys/gals doing a pop gospel? Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:36 IST) Sandhya:;-) I don't know, I think it's just as well to save the slide guitar for special occasions!!!.lol. Leanne (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:35 IST) Well, it's unfair to you in a way. You've obviously moved on with your career.

But to keep referring to you as once being part of Fleetwood Mac. Even though that was almost three decades ago. Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:37 IST) Leanne: I agree. But on the other hand, it is the thing that most people know me by, and I guess I shouldn't be too miffed at it! Sunaina (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:33 IST) Mr Jeremy: what do you think of Indian music scenario, and how was it like playing with the likes of Louis Banks, Karl Peters etc?

Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:39 IST) Sunaina: Very nice. They're very good musicians. They have the right 'feel' for this kind of music, blues.

Xdome (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:32 IST) Jeremyji, why did you refuse the getting together of Fleetwood Mac that was supposed to take place? Rune (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:38 IST) Peter Green said there was a reunion coming up. What about that? Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:42 IST) Rune/Xdome: It's not that I'm refusing the Fleetwood Mac reunion concert, I'm just hesitant about getting into something that would be difficult to get out of!

One thing could lead to another and it could be back into the very thing I got out of 30 years ago.;-) Champagne (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:33 IST) Yeah. This isn't the first time you've performed in India. What keeps you coming back? Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:43 IST) Champagne: I like the Indian audiences. They like what I'm doing now and they're sensitive to the softer material I play. They don't just go for the boogie or the surface. Prayag (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:34 IST) Well, old is say somebody in the 50s:) seriously what do you do these days - do you own a business enterprise, still play concerts, or with your children?

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Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:45 IST) Prayag: I do artwork for educational materials, comics and I work on preparing material for future recording, working on material for concerts. And I flirt.;-) Kirti Verma (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:42 IST) Mr Spencer, do you think award functions like the Grammys are really the real recognition of talent? Or are they driven by hype and popularity? Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:49 IST) Kirti Virma: Probably a bit of both. It's a big subject, but you can't judge the Grammys as the standard of what really is the talent with musical integrity in the world today, who could even be totally unkown.

And also, by watching the Grammys, it's pretty obvious what is hype and what's real talent. Knopfler (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:42 IST) What say a day with You and Clapton together?

Is there something similar in your styles. Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:51 IST) Knopfler: Any relation to Mark?:-) Eric and I both play blues.and it was our earliest influences in music - Elmore James, Otis Rush, Albert King, etc. Intrigued (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:45 IST) Why do you sound as if you were lucky to get out of FM 30 years ago? Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:53 IST) Intrigued: The way I was heading, it's possible I would have done myself in in five years, and I avoided that - that's pretty lucky, huh?:-) Sanjaya (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:45 IST) Are you going to release any of your new music on CD? I'd buy whatever of yours I could get my hands on.

Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:55 IST) Sanjaya: Thank you. I'd like to soon.;-) Zoya (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:52 IST) Dear Mr Spencer, Just out of curiosity, do you play any other instrument? Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:55 IST) Zoya: Yes, I play piano. Joshi (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:53 IST) Who are your biggest influences????? Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:57 IST) Joshi: My influences - Elmore James, Buddy Holly, Cliff Richard, Otis Rush. Knopfler (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:54 IST) Thanks Jeremy, no close relation but find both your styles similar and enjoyable and pleasing to the ear.

Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:56 IST) Knopfler: Thank you:-) that's a compliment. Zoya (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:59 IST) Dear Mr Spencer, if you had to learn a new instrument today, which one would it be? Zoya Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 8:0 IST) Zoya: Soprano sax. Al (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:56 IST) Why don't the blues get their due at the Grammys? Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 8:2 IST) Al: Good idea for a song:-) 'No Grammy Blues.'

Well, one song won a Grammy a couple of years ago, by Tracy Chapman. Give me one reason to stay here, I think it was called. I don't know why. It's not a very widespread popular form that sells by individual artistes in the same volume as the hot hit guys. I think the only one is B B King. Maha (Thu Feb 10 19100 8:2 IST) How do you keep up with the changing times?

Where do you find yourself fitting into the changing music scenario where pop, and dance music is playing to packed dance floors? Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 8:3 IST) Maha: I don't fit in:-) Shanti (Thu Feb 10 19100 8:1 IST) Why is everyone only talking about Rang Bhavan? There's a concert tomorrow at Saint Andrews, Bandra, I'm going there for sure. Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 8:5 IST) Shanti: St.

Andrew's is a great place to play, it's got terrific sound and an intimate atmosphere for an auditorium. Would you like a backstage pass?;-) Al (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:58 IST) Why are the class acts of yesteryears avoiding a reunion? You mean there was so much bad blood between the members? Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 8:7 IST) Al: No,we got on as friends fine.

I don't know about the other bands. I just wanted a change. Knopfler (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:59 IST) Which do you prefer - playing acoustic guitar, unplugged or heavy metal plugged? Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 8:9 IST) Knopfler: I don't like playing heavy metal. I like playing plugged in such a way that it sounds unplugged, if you know what I mean - not heavy duty screaming. Al (Thu Feb 10 19100 8:7 IST) Jeremy: Will the blues continue to be a music form five years from now? Do you think the music companies will conspire to kill it now that its popularity is waning?

Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 8:12 IST) Al: No, I think there's a growing interest in both inside and outside the States - even here in India. The Indians are quite responsive to it, which was a pleasant surprise.:-) Priscilla (Thu Feb 10 19100 8:8 IST) If you had to live your life again, would you still choose to be a musician? And if yes, would you rather be associated with the piano or soprano sax, like you just said? Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 8:13 IST) Priscilla: I'm happy associated with the slide guitar.

Taurug (Thu Feb 10 19100 8:7 IST) Jeremy, are you training anyone, like your protege to be a slide guitarist? Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 8:15 IST) Taurug: No. I'm not training anybody. But its' an interesting thought. Al (Thu Feb 10 19100 8:15 IST) Jeremy: Did you spot guitar talent in India? Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 8:17 IST) Al: Yes, Roy Venkat and Rupert Fernandes. Rune (Thu Feb 10 19100 8:15 IST) Hey, are any of your kids into the guitar?

Like little Jeremy Spencers? Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 8:18 IST) Rune: I have two sons, in their 20s who play the guitar very well.

Rune (Thu Feb 10 19100 8:18 IST) Are you playing with those two guitarists on stage? Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 8:20 IST) Rune, I'm playing with Roy. Lee (Thu Feb 10 19100 8:18 IST) Mr Spencer, what do you think of Lee Ritneor? Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 8:19 IST) Lee: I don't know who it is. Knopfler (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:40 IST) Jerry, your favourite guitar? Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 8:25 IST) Knopfler: I use the PRS Custom with a stop tailpiece.

It's been the best guitar I have ever used. Jagger (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:42 IST) For a rock star, you are pretty unassuming, someone who actually wants to do his bit for charity. Were you never one of those cocaine-sniffing bad guys?

Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 8:26 IST) Jagger: Well I did at one time, I don't anymore, it was part of what was messing me up. Alby (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:46 IST) Hello Sir.

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You seem to be repeatedly jetting down to India lately. Is it a spiritual thing, the Indian audience or do you find the West has had its fill of you? Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 8:27 IST) Alby: It's a bit of both, I've had my fill of the West, thats' for sure:-).grin. Steve (Thu Feb 10 19100 8:23 IST) We are interested in organising concerts in Hyderabad, India. Do you think this is possible, may be next year?

Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 8:28 IST) Steve, maybe next year Hyderabad. Maha (Thu Feb 10 19100 7:50 IST) Mr Spencer: How can you be so good, man?

Keep coming to India. You are a treat to have. What is it that keeps you going? Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 8:29 IST) Maha: Love, God.

Mr Jeremy Spencer (Thu Feb 10 19100 8:30 IST) Thank you everybody, it's been fun, don't know when to stop, need to go. Bye Photographs by Lynette Menezes.