What Does Cscan Exe Do

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What is the purpose of the csrss.exe (Client/Server Runtime Server Subsystem) on Windows? Maybe someone could give a good explanation or pointers to documentation? Unfortunately Google results are pretty noisy when searching a core process of Windows. The reason I'm asking is that I got a BSOD from my service application which seems to be related to the csrss.exe process, at least this is what the analysis of the memory dump shows: PROCESSOBJECT: 85eeeb70 IMAGENAME: csrss.exe DEBUGFLRIMAGETIMESTAMP: 0 MODULENAME: csrss FAULTINGMODULE: 00000000 PROCESSNAME: PreviewService.

Getting this annoying error.Donot know how to fix.Please. Kill the processes running in Task MGR window.I was able to kill cscan.exe process and the.

Cisco Anyconnect Posture Assessment

BUGCHECKSTR: 0xF4PreviewService.